Construction Projects
from the leader!

30 Years

on Building Market

מי אנחנו?

דנקנר 38 הינה חברה המתמחה בהתחדשות עירונית ובפרוייקטים של חיזוק מבנים לשיפור רמת חיים.

We are proud that our construction services are in demand for such a long period! Every year we enhance our skills, striving to become better and work perfectly for our clients! Our ultimate goal is your comfort.

בנייה רבויה -תמ"א 38, פינוי בינוי

Planning is the first step of construction project management philosophy of planning, organizing and controlling the execution of the projects. On this stage, the core idea and main requirements are set, in order to build the object accurately. A contractor provides all technical characteristics – we agree on them.

פרוייקטים בחו"ל

Standocs is a leader, specializing in all kinds of construction works. Our certified team provides the services in time and on the highest level. We are able to handle any projects! Providing clients with better services requires implementing the latest technologies. Our designers are highly educated, experienced and full of ideas to implement in our construction work. Their design ideas are gorgeous and award-winning. Innovations in construction are essential, as they allow creating outstanding architecture objects and buildings.

הפרוייקטים שלנו

we are proud of our buildings


A Cozy Shelter for a Family Rest in Sunny Miami.

From $247,780

A Cozy Shelter for a Family Rest in Sunny Miami.

From $247,780

A Cozy Shelter for a Family Rest in Sunny Miami.

From $400,530

A nice house for a family living in marvelous countryside.

From $211,320

A lovely house in the center of Houston.

From $278,930

A large project for Seattle State Municipal Library.

ערכי החברה

ערכי החברה

Innovations and experiments in construction are essential, as they allow creating outstanding architecture objects and buildings.

Providing clients with better services requires implementing the latest technologies, which we integrate to traditional ones.

Our designers are highly educated, experienced and full of ideas to implement in our construction work. Their design ideas are gorgeous and award-winning.


Creating Durable and comfortable buildings is our mission



Happy Client



דיירים מספרים

We’re ready to bring the most complex projects to life!


Standocs has a long and rich history in construction and building sphere. From a small company and leadership in North America. We praise our clients and quality of work. We strictly follow the laws and safety rules. Standocs welcomes people to get acquaintance with our company, history, team and projects we’ve made.

Custom Support & Sale

4096 N Highland St Arlington, VA 32101

Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

© 2018 Standocs. Powered by Zemez.

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